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50 Buccaneer staffs ago

How many school yearbooks are on your shelf...or in your attic? Check out members of the Bluffton High School “Buccaneer” yearbook staff from one-half century past. It’s the 1973-74 school year. Meet the staff.

Front from left, Kent Badertscher, John Skjorshammer, Rob Ernsberger, Phil Sommers, Jeff Hauenstein, Tim King and Jane Bixel.

Second row from left, Neil Cockrell, Deb Knox, Kathy Kinn, Penny Wilch, Jane Kinn, Betsy Travis, Robin Amstutz, Deb Giovinazzo.

Third row from left, Dave Simons, Sue Matter, Sue Maag, Carolyn Montgomery, Joyce Doty, Sue Bracy, Laura Town.

Fourth row from left, Margaret Maker, Joyce Amstutz, Rhonda Granger, Tammy Amstutz, Darrell Groman, Amy Zimmerman and Jane Herrmann.


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