BHS class of 1974 in Ruby Murray's first grade
Members of the Bluffton High School graduating class of 1974 as students in Ruby Murray’s first grade during the 1962-63 school year.
Front from left, David Sherman, Michael Kleman, Thomas Hursey, Kelly Murray, Bonita Lytle, Jeffrey Hauenstein, Amelia Hutchins and Randall Huber.
Second row from left, Cynthia Habegger, Ann McCune, William Hohenbrink, Greg Conley, Ronald Kooker, Darrell Groman and Keith Kibele.
Third row from left, Karen Kreider, Candice Hines, Kathy Koontz, Carolyn Gratz, Debra Kimmett, Debra Giovinazzo, Jean Hauenstein and Linda Herrmann.
Back row from left, Don Luginbuhl, Rachel Hauenstein, Jane Herrmann, Lynda Hursey and Cheryl Geiger.