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80 years ago it was "fast time" vs. "slow time"

Daylight Saving Time was a phrase foreign to the general public,

and the time change was determined by each locality

Here’s a thought: What if the traditional “spring forward” time change decision was made by the Bluffton village council, rather than it being determined by the state or national influences? 

That’s exactly the case in Bluffton in April 1944. Imagine for a moment if, for example, in Bluffton it was 2 p.m., when at the same time in Findlay it was 3 p.m. Each municipality decided the time. Sounds confusing? Read on:


The Bluffton News headline from April 13, 1944 reads: COUNCIL WILL GET FAST TIME ISSUE



Sentiment for change to fast

Time is growing here,

Mayor reports


Lima, Findlay and Ada will

Move clocks ahead;

Farmers oppose change


The story’s lead follows:

Whether Bluffton residents will remain on “slow time” or more their clocks ahead an hour for the summer months will be taken up at Next Monday’s meeting of the municipal council, Mayor Wilbur A. Howe said this week.


Here’s the rest of the story:

The decision by Bluffton council members was move to fast time. Here's the story from the next Bluffton News issue.


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