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85 school years ago in Bluffton

Meet the elementary teachers of the 1938-39 school year

Eighty-five Bluffton school years ago, here were the elementary teachers, with the school superintendent.  The only married women teachers are Adella Steiner Oyer and Grace Cox. Mrs. Oyer was the first-ever married teacher when she was hired by Bluffton in 1934. 

Three of the teachers were in mixed grades.


Front from left, Theola Steiner, sixth grade, Meredith Stepleton, first and second grades, A.J. B. Longsdorf, superintendent, Grace Cox, first grade and elementary principal, Minerva Hilty, fourth grade.


Standing from left, Levada Balmer, third grade; Floy McBain, second grade; Robert Ewing, fifth and sixth grade, Adella Steiner Oyer, fifth grade and Sevila Bixel, third and fourth grade.


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