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BHS class of 1917 as eighth graders

Augsburgers, Bracys, Burkholders,

Niswanders, Steiners and many others

Members of the Bluffton High School class of 1917 as eighth graders.

Front row from left, Della Stager, Edith Triplehorn, Harriet Scheid, Elnore Frick, Marion Hyme, Donald Augsburger, Wilbur Bracy, Albert Burkholder and Ruel Niswander.

Second row from left, Ruth Hostettler, Mabel Hawk, Mamie Stearns, Allen Day, Pete Gaiffe, Rose Block, Ruth Rudy, Naomi Stith and Alma Locher.

Third row from left, Nathan Block, Theodore Scheid, Russell Bixel, Lawrence Swick, Albert Stettler (teacher), Raymond Garau, Gwendolin Troxel, Geneva Steiner and Esta Lugibill.

Top row from left, Roy Rogers, Dale Moore, Ivan Amstutz, Donald West, Herman Schmidt, Cleora Weaver, Edith Amstutz and Inez Triplehorn.


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