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Bluffton's greening grass

In our month of Maying...naturally, Bluffton

Upon the greening grass. Because we still experience the month of Maying we offer four springtime-only nature scenes discovered in Bluffton.

Carrying a tropical look, our feature photo captures a bumble bee busy at task in a red horse-chestnut on the Marbeck lawn of the Bluffton University campus.

Also in view is a large allium in full bloom on the Musselman Library-College Hall front yard.

Then, walking along the path toward Adams Bridge we come across an ant exploring a wild hyacinth.

Finally, let’s toss into the mix this heavily-ladened tree branch covered with lichen found in Motter Metro Park.

Bee in a red horse-chestnut

Allium on Musselman Library tree lawn

Ant exploring a wild hyacinth

Llchen in Motter Metro Park


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