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Christian and Kristina Brechbuhl Bucher

Christian Bucher was born July 3, 1778, in Langnau Emmental, Canton Bern, Switzerland.

He was the son of Friedrick and Elizabeth (Luti) Bucher who remained in Switzerland. His wife, Kristina Brechbuhl, was born Feb. 8, 1789, in Ruderswil, Canton Bern, Switzerland. His father was Urich and we do not have information on his mother.

Christian and his wife, Kristina, came to American in 1825 and settled in Holmes County, Ohio.

The family lived in Holmes County where Christian purchased 40 acres of land for $100. Ten years later they sold the 40 acres for $500 and then came to Allen County, Ohio, and bought 160 acres for $1 per acre. This land is located in the northeast corner of Section 9, Richland Township, Allen County, Ohio.

Christian’s son, John, had a very serious illness resulting in the loss of his eye sight. John’s brother, Frederick, who with several other Allen County families, left the Mennonite Church in Richland Township. They felt it was too liberal and migrated to Waterville Township near Whitehouse, Lucas County, Ohio.

In May 1835, Christian's wife, Kristina, died at the age of 46. Since there was no cemetery at that time, she was buried on the farm. Later Christian was looking for a housekeeper. The story goes that he took his walking stick and went by foot to Wayne County, Ohio. He met Anna Biery, and they were married. The two returned to the rural Bluffton on foot. Christian lived to be 101. Anna died in 1880.

The 160 acres, which Christian bought in 1835, was owned by his descendants until 1948 when the west 80 acres was sold. In 1990 the other 80 acres (east side), then owned by Hiram W. Bucher (great-great-great grandson) was also sold.

The one-room school house, just east of the Bucher farm was called the Bucher School and is owned today by the Ebenezer Mennonite Church.

An interesting story from The Bluffton News dated May 17, 1910, reported this by the German Settlement correspondent:

“Some of the boys are getting the habit of spending Sunday afternoon in playing ball. A few Sundays ago, a crowd gathered at the Bucher school house, where they also played ball. If these boys have the consent of their parents to spend the Sabbath day on the ball ground, they are not to be blamed.

But, we surmise that some of the parents do not know where their boys spend the Sabbath. Would it not be worthwhile to find out?

Christian Bucher Birth: July 25, 1777, Langau Emmental Bern, Switzerland Death: Feb. 28, 1879 Burial: Ebenezer Cemetery Occupation: Weaver and farmer

Father: Friedrich Bucher Mother: Elisabeth Luti

Spouse: Kristina Brechbuhl Birth: Feb. 8, 1789, Ruderswil, Bern, Switzerland Death: May 3, 1835, Richland Township, Allen County, Ohio Burial: On the family farm

Second spouse: Anna Biery Marriage: Jan. 19, 1807

Children: Elizabeth Bucher Birth: May 24, 1808, Langnau Emmental, Bern, Switzerland Death: March 4, 1938

Christian Bucher Birth: Nov. 6, 1913, Langnau Emmental, Bern, Switzerland Death: June 27, 1866 Spouse: Anna Amstutz

Peter Bucher Birth: May 23, 1816, Langnau Emmental, Bern Switzerland Death,: May 24, 1914 Spouse: Verna Geiger Fannie

John Bucher Birth: Dec. 6, 1818, Langnau Emmental, Bern, Switzerland Death: 1907

Friedrich Bucher Birth: July 27, 1821, Langnau Emmental Bern, Switzerland Death: Jan. 11, 1882, near Whitehouse, Ohio Spouse: Maria Geiger

Jacob Bucher Birth: Feb. 8, 1823, Holmes County, Ohio Death: March 3, 1905 Spouse: Barbara Badertscher

(name not available) Bucher Birth: October 1833, Holmes County Ohio, Death: August 1858 Spouse: Abraham B. Amstutz


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