A man named Gustavus Adolphus once lived here in 1880. That’s one name he went by. He also went by the name Dr. Rosenburg. Whichever one he was, one of the most peculiar stories ever published in the Bluffton News centers on our Gustavus Adolphus Rosenberg.
Gustavus Adolphus (1594-1632) was once the King of Sweden. A college in St. Peter, Minnesota, founded in 1862, also carries his name.
Then, there’s Bluffton’s Gustvus Adolphus, who once lived here in 1880. That’s one name he went by. He also went by the name Dr. Rosenburg. Whichever one he was, one of the most peculiar stories ever published in the Bluffton News centers on our Gustavus Adolphus Rosenburg.
We refer to this story from the Nov. 11, 1880, Bluffton News. It’s rather short, but full of images and descriptions that makes us wonder if Bluffton, today is a pretty dull place to live.
Placing this story in a better context, in 1880, the Bluffton population as not quite 1,500 persons. The Bluffton News was in its fourth year. The town hall was not yet built and many buildings on Main Street did not yet exist.
Headline: Gustavus Adolphus
Subhead: Whose other name is Dr. Rosenburg
gone crazier than usual, which is saying a good deal
Gustavus Adolphus Rosenburg is a dentist by profession and a couple of years ago moved to Bluffton from Findlay, where he was born and raised.
He is said to be a fine workman, but his habits are such that he didn’t succeed in his business after he had been some time in Bluffton. He married a widow, Mrs. Wilkins who owned a home.
Gustavus Adolphus Rosenburg lived with her. He was always considered a harmless, flashy lunatic, whose life seemed to rotate between method and madness.
Without liquor he could behave reasonably well. His style of dress was something between that of a singer and a short boy of Broadway.
Everybody became used to seeing him in some peculiarity and he attracted only the attention of strangers and small boys.
Last week Dr. Rosenburg got on a protracted drunk. On Tuesday he was heard at all hours yelling and singing. On Thursday night, at 11 o’clock, he went to the residence of O.S. Langan, and, with a club, broke in a glass front door, naturally causing quite a commotion.
He amused himself also by throwing a stone into the rear door of Dr. Bates.
On Friday morning he was arrested and put in the calaboose, and on Friday night taken to Lima, and before Probate Judge Overmyer, was, adjudged insane, and has been sent to Dayton Asylum.
Nov. 11, 1880, Bluffton News article
Very interesting, colorful article. Thank you for sharing it!!