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Countless decades of teaching experience

Meet Bluffton elementary school's

1956-57 teachers and staff members

Bluffton’s current senior generation can identify these elementary staff members without reading their identification below. It’s also probable the current senior generation might be able to identify the location of each of the classrooms where these persons taught.

For everyone else, this photo shows the Bluffton elementary staff during the 1956-57 school year. This was the first year for the present elementary building to be open. It was much small than today’s elementary building.

Believe it or not, the ’56-57 core rooms are nearly the same age this year as was the Victorian grade school razed in 1954 to make way for the present grade school. It was also first school year to include a public offered Kindergarten.

Teaching on the elementary staff follow:

Back row, from left: Robert Stratton, sixth grade

Clarence Kooker, fifth grade

Betty Nisley, fifth grade

Jeanette Klay, second-third grade

Meredith Stepleton, first grade and principal

Mary Jerome, second grade

Minerva Hilty, third grade

Robert Ewing, fourth grade

Front row, from left:

Walter Sommer, custodian

Martha Ropp, sixth grade

Kathryne Patterson, music

Adella Oyer, fourth grade

Ruby Murray, first grade

Margaret Groman, Kindergarten

Darvin Luginbuhl, art


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