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Idyllic Krehbiel Bridge on campus

Today it's Adams Bridge over Little Riley Creek

What today is Adams Bridge over Little Riley Creek on the Bluffton University campus was originally called Krehbiel Bridge.

From the 1943 Bluffton College Ista comes this photo, bordering on the romanticized.

Look closely on the middle of the far-left portion of the photo. You can see part of the word “KREHBIEL” in wooden letters.

The bridge’s original name came from a Krehbiel student from the Donnellson, Iowa, Mennonite community, who attended Bluffton College. The original bridge had several rebirths and reconstructions as these were wooden structures.

When Adams Bridge replace Krehbiel Bridge, the structure was rebuilt and relocated slightly to line up with the entrance to Ropp Hall.


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