Beaver Dam became Beaverdam in 1895

This photograph, originally a postcard, depicts Beaverdam’s Main Street in 1907. The photographer standing approximately underneath the intersection of Napoleon Road and Main Street, aimed the camera down Main Street.
The storefront signs read: Home Grocery, and Star Restaurant. The building with the bell is the Beaverdam town hall.
When did Beaver Dam become Beaverdam? A July 25, 1895, Bluffton News, states that the Post Master General has issued an order changing the name "Beaver Dam" to "Beaverdam," all one word. Despite that, it took years for the name change to become accepted. One example is that this post card has the words "Beaver Dam" written on it.
Beaverdam was laid out in 1853 by Frederick Shull. According to Daniel Milliken, an old resident, the legend connected with the village is that "originally the beavers that were found there by the Indians had built two dams, one east and the other west of the present site of the town, so as to cause the waters to become accumulated to enable them to use the flood for a sort of dam." The town is located between the ancient dams.
1895 news item about the changing of the village name
