And, check out the times and distances of
the all-time school track records in 1939

Meet the Bluffton High School boys’ track team of 1939. Lots of familiar last names including Basinger, Schmidt, Mumma, Klassen, Diller, Burkholder and others. And, check out the all-time school track records below.
Front from left, Fred Fritchie and Al Ingalls.
Second row from left, Peter Schmidt, Richard Wenger, Wade Mumma, Herbert Klassen, Dwight Basinger, James Martin and Robert Watkins.
Third row from left, Clyde Fisher, Fernan Loganbill, Edward Schultz, Coach Dwight Diller, George Burkholder, Sam Tripplehorn and Richard Mumma.
The 1939 yearbook included all-time track records, provided below the team photo.

Bluffton High School boys' track records as of 1939 - the first boys' team was in 1924.
