A 60-year look back examining Main Street
and Christmas decorations in Bluffton

Oh, what a night. Late December back in ’63. You may recall those lines from a Frankie Valli pop hit some years ago.
Well, it’s December in 2023. Yet, this split-image scene shows a 60-year evolving image Citizens National Bank and Christmas lights in Bluffton.
Going back to the 1960-era view, check out the Christmas street ornaments. Next look at Millager’s Pharmacy. How about those "modern" light poles?
And, don’t forget to examine that 1963 (?) Dodge Dart on Main Street. It’s very possibly a Pandora-purchased vehicle. Oh, and when did we a second stoplight on Main and Cherry?
For Bluffton newcomers the 1960s-era front on Citizens National Bank replaced the original brick columns on the bank that our grandparents knew. In the early 1980s, the front in this view became the familiar red brick bank of today. At the time, the bank expanded and took over the Millager property and West Ohio Gas storefront.
Thanks to Dick Boehr for sharing this 1960-era Main Street photograph.

Full disclosure: The early photo was taken in 1971, based upon the color of the license plate in the photo, Nonetheless the scene rings true of a 1960-era Bluffton Main Street in December. (A most obscure point, the license plate colors celebrate the centennial year of Kent State University.)
1960-era Christmas season on Main Street

Same view in 2023

Split image

1963 (?) Dodge Dart. Millager's and West Ohio Gas company.
