With four Bluffton High School seniors in the class of 1979

It's the first day of spring 1979. Bluffton News editor is on the lookout for a front page spring photo.
Suddenly Rick Ramseyer and three buddies zip by with the top down on the Ramseyer's 1965 Ford Falcon convertible. (Rick, or is it a 1964?)

The rest is history. For the record, this photo was taken in the grade school parking lot. The photographer stood on the top of the monkey bars, looking down on his subjects.
Scroll to the bottom to view 1964 and 1965 color versions of this baby blue classic vehicle (it's taken from the internet, and is not this same car as in the top photo).
Here's what the Bluffton News wrote under this photo when it was published in on the first day of spring, 44 springs ago:
Spring is here. A traditional sign of spring used to be the spotting of convertibles with tops town. With fewer and fewer of those vehicles in town, it is a wonder that spring ever returns.
With Wednesday as the first day of spring 1979, it is appropriate to have Rick Ramseyer’s Ford Falcon convertible launch the season.
At the wheel is Rick. In front is Tim Closson and in back are Darryl Mathewson and Joe Goodman, each one a BHS senior.
And, yes, Tim Closson in this photo, is the same Mr. Closson retired as Bluffton elementary principal.
Here's a '64 version

Here's the 1965 version
