Many familiar faces: Burkholder, Reichenbach, Kohli, Messinger, Basinger, Badertscher, Zuercher, Althaus, Welty and many others

Here are members of the Swiss Male Chorus, organized in Bluffton and Pandora, which performed in 1939. Alvin Burkholder directed the chorus. Dwight Sommer was the pianist.
First row from left, Clayton Bucher, Dwight Sommer, David Reichenbach, Alvin Burkholder, Norman Basinger, Hiram Kohli, unidentified and Aaron Messinger.
Second row from left, Otto Badertscher, Noah Zuercher, unidentified, unidentified, Joseph Thompson, Delbert Luginbuhl, Waldo Hofstetter, Weldon Basinger, Evan Sommer and Delvin Kirchofer.
Top row from left William Althaus, Melvin Zimmerly, Hiram Diller, Howard Welty, Homer Reichenbach, Myron Hilty, Vinton Bucher, Levi Gable and Lewis Basinger.

Interesting that there were no “Amstutz” men identified.