When most vehicles drink leaded gas - and gas mileage is not a consideration

It’s Bluffton’s Main Street in 1959.
Here’s what you see:
• Could that 1950 or ’51 Plymouth belong to Florence Duffield?
• Concerning the 1956 Oldsmobile on the other side of the street, well, it might belong to someone from Pandora. That’s because Sommer Oldsmobile was located in Pandora. Car owners were loyal during this era.
• Walking on the right side of the street, is the Carma Theatre, Things get a bit fizzy after that. We’ll let viewers provide store names.
On the left side of the street is the Niswander Implement dealership, next is Urich's IGA, then, probably the Charles Co., and on the corner stands Citizens National Bank.
Aren‘t you glad that we have a streetscape program today? Check out the sidewalks. They could use some help.
Also, what’s the deal with only one stop light at the Main-Cherry intersection?
Concerning parking spaces, we don’t recognize any. But, remember this was the 1950s, American’s golden era, when AM radio was king and color TV was mostly a dream for most Bluffton households.

If the above photo raises more questions than it answers, the photo below is from 1961. It shows a similar scene, just from a different angle.
