Yes, beavers do exists on the university campus

- More photos at bottom of this story -
For some viewers, this series is familiar. For others, it may be a first-time experience.
Either way, it’s an opportunity to take a walk and view some art that is uniquely Bluffton. Beavers Located near Rosenberger Drive outside Founders Hall
The Beaver sculpture was created by one of Klassen's students, Forrest Musser, a 1929 Bluffton College graduate, from Reading, Massachusetts.
The sculpture was meant to show the persistent, hard working character of the beaver, the university mascot.
The sculpture includes the words Industry and Accomplishment, in addition to the year 1929, when it was created.

Leland Gerber, Bluffton studio photographer, took this photo of the sculpture in the mid 1960s.