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When Calvin Coolidge was president

Many familiar last names in the BHS class of 1926 - including

Herr, Niswander, Moser, Steiner, Bell, Badertscher, Balmer,

Gratz, Vermillion, Yoakam, Bucher and others

It was 98 graduations ago that members of the Bluffton High School graduating class of 1926 posed for this photo. It may have been the largest class up to that time to received diplomas from BHS.

Enlargements of the photo are at the bottom of this feature.

Front from left, Arthur Niswander, Roy Herr, Clair Leiber, Kenneth Gallant, Walton Alderfer, Beulah Moser, Wilbur Steiner, Maurice Bell, Kermit Herr and Seldon Burkhart.

Second row from left, Dorothy Nonnamaker, Elsie Moore, Treva Murray, Ella Welty, Bernice Ewing, Sam Diller, A.J.B. Longsdorf (superintendent), Eulalia McCormick, Dorothy Benroth, Phyllis Schaueblin, Martha Badertscher, Lavada Balmer, Lavetta Moser and Alice Ewing.

Third row from left, Elvira Gratz, Leland Redick, Glenna Beeshy, Harold Montgomery, Charles Dillman, Mardell Niswander, Clifford Montgomery, Wilma Neuenschwander, Dennis Zimmerman, Lucille Badertscher, Wade Marshall, Martha Augsburger, Carey Steiner, Jennie Diller, Melvin Dudgeon, Eva Agin, Ralph Vermillion, Leota Wilkins and Alberta Williamson.

Top row from left, Jesse Yoakam, Evelyn Watkins, Francis Stratton, Edith Kramer, Barbara Basinger, Terretha DeVier, Mabel Montgomery, Jeanette Bucher, Margaret Kohli, Elmer Amstutz, Gail Basinger, Raymond Steiner, Lucille Coon, Francis Amstutz, Evelyn Kohler, Rhoda Matter, Elizabeth Baumgartner, Opal Ream, Betty Stewart and Ola Luginbill.


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